I finished 3rd in my catagory "compact", which was pretty good since the Friday before I took the plastic packaging off of the holster that came in the box. I did some practicing with drawing from this new holster in the garage, unloaded of course, over the weekend before the match. Hit the range for some target practice and got comfortable with drawing from concealment. Overall, I would say that I performed well and can't wait to do this again.
Stage 1. "Strangers at the door"
9 Round Count
Right hand on door knob
Engage first target, 2 in the body and 1 in the head
Engage second target, 2 in the body
Move to cover and engage next 2 targets, 2 rounds each
Stage 2. "Gas Pump"
8 Round Count
Move up to cover, engage 2 targets from either side of cover, 2 rounds each
Move to second cover and repeat
Stage 3. "Moving Target"
7 Round Count
Engage moving target minum of 3 rounds
Move to box and engage large plates, 1 round each
Stage 4. "Warming Up"
10 Round Count
Virginia Count
Engage front two targets, 2 rounds each in the body
Engage far target, 1 round head shot only
Stage 5. "Counter Clerk"
8 Round Count
Gun loaded and extra magazine on table
From sitting position, engage 4 targets, 1 round each
Repeat with strong arm only
Stage 6. "Up Close and Personel"
5 Round Count
Virginia Count
Engage target with 5 rounds, shoot from the hip